Academic Research
Summary of research and publication strategies for PIBS/PMNH:
Research should focus on the visions, mission and goals of the PIBS/PMNH at Bethlehem University (See the About Us page)
Once those criteria are fulfilled (like support for natural and human diversity) then we must work on priorities for publication as follows: a) Existing data (see action items for details): e.g. Wadi Zarqa (could result in one big article or series of articles); Jinsafut; Master thesis (permaculture, education, Wala' thesis, Elias, Najajrah); Chromosome adaptation article (Elias) .b) Data through existing funded grants: Darwin, NGS, EU project, cultural heritage, climate change, c) New data not through funded grants but important for biodiversity, human diversity and sustainability (e.g. leaf litter, animal rehabilitation, education/awareness etc.)
Guidelines for research are available here and ethical guidelines are listed on our Guidelines page.
Past research examples from our team is posted below (you can download PDF files)
According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and other groups of editors, guidelines for authorship include: “an author must be validated for: a) conception and design of the study, or analysis and interpretation of data; b) drafting of the article or critical revision of its content; c) final approval of the version to be published; d) responsibility for all the aspects of the work, ensuring that questions related to accuracy or integrity of any part of it are adequately investigated and analyzed.”
Based on these criteria our research priorities were determined via focus group meetings to be as follows:
Biodiversity conservation and Systematics: Wadi Al-Makhrour Data (for Darwin initiative), Policy issues in conservation and national strategies (for the EQA consultancy and the Belgium grant), Orchids in WB, Animal Rehab Unit, Biodiv consulting for Env Impact Assessment etc.
Human Diversity Conservation/Cultural heritage: For the EU grant especially focusing on roots and sustainability: unity in diversity. Canaanites, language origins, heritage connecting us to land and nature (this also helps get data collected under last British council project that ended in 2019)
Education/Environmental Awareness: Like the paper we worked on with Khawla Abualia and the Climate change education paper with Zoi. Need many more object based learning, student centered learning etc
Agriculture/sustainable production (both Darwin and EU grants): Permaculture, agrobiodiversity, aquaponics etc.
Health/Medical Zoology: For the grant from MOEHE (e.g. mosquitos of WB can add Galilee), now we can add things like Zoonetics
Management and organizational research: We published papers such as on how we build the museum and institute, how we run them, now working on the structure of the urban garden. Can do research on things like crisis management of grants in a developing country, fundraising etc.
Recently we launched a project focused on research (plus conservation and education) funded by the EU Peace initiative. Grants are available for those research projects fulfilling the criteria posted.
You can see the titles and download selected research papers below. We published and continue to work on areas such as genotoxicity, effects of Israeli industrial settlements, fauna and flora, medicinal plants, faunal Survey of Protected areas, biodiversity, ecology, education, museology, systematics, and ethnoecology. We have also established a research service and clinical cytogenetics lab for cancers, infertility, and congenital birth defects. Currently we have ongoing research projects by master’s degree students, undergraduate students, and volunteers, on various topics. For public databases, we have curated a list that can be accessed via this link.
Some of our publications
- Smith, C. 2024. Settler colonialism and the destruction of Palestine's ecology. Green Left Weekly, (1405), pp.10-10.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. . 2024. A path forward. Z Magazine, .
- Handal, E.N., Al-Shomali, S.L. and Adawi, S.H. 2024. Four New Records of Beetles (Coleoptera) from the Palestinian Territories – West Bank. Jordan Journal of Natural History, 11 (1):18-23.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B., Najajrah, M.H., Handal, E.N., Gideon, J., Abusarhan, M.A. and Prasse, R. 2024. The Importance of Urban Eco-gardens for Biodiversity and Human Sustainability: A Case Study from Palestine. Cities and the Environment (CATE), Iss. 1, Art. 2.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. . 2024. Impact of the Israeli military activities on the environment. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1 - 16.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. & Casiday, A.. 2024. The Impact of Israeli Military Activities on the Environment. This Week in Palestine, 62-67.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. . 2024. The Gaza Strip lights the way globally as colonizer masks all fall -. New Observations, 38-42 .
- Miller, T. 2023. At the Palestine-Mexico Border: Confronting the Climate Fortress in Southern Arizona. CounterPunch, .
- Handal, E.N., Al-Shomali, S.L. and Amr, Z.S., . 2023. Trade in exotic birds in the West Bank, Palestinian Territories . Sandgrouse, 196-204.
- Gedeon, J. G. & Qumsiyeh, M. B.. 2023. New Floral Records in the Region of Southern Jerusalem Hills, Palestine. Jordan Journal of Natural History, 11-20.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2023. Updating and Enhancing the Protected Areas Network of Palestine: A Step Towards Biodiversity Conservation. Parks, 29.2:73-84.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B., R. Bassous-Ghattas, E.N. Handal, M. Abusarhan, M.H. Najajreh, I.M. Albaradeyeh . 2023. Biodiversity Conservation of a new protected area ‘Al-Arqoub’, South Jerusalem Hills, Palestine. Parks, 29:33-42.
- Qumsiyeh, MB. 2023. Developing Institutions that Serve National Goals: Case Study of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability.. Al-Quds Journal for Natural Sciences, 1(3):6-10, .
- Alimari, A., Alomari, A. & Jarrar, S. . 2023. Medicinal Plants of the Northern West Bank in Palestine: Diversity and Traditional Uses. The Arab World Geographer, 388-397.
- Qumsiyeh, Mazin B., and Banan Al-Sheikh. 2023. Flora and Conservation Issues in Two Protected Areas in Palestine: Wadi Al-Zarqa Al-Ulwi and Wadi Qana. Diversity, 15, no. 2: 142.
- Hassouna, S. 2023. Cultivating biodiverse futures at the (postcolonial) botanical garden. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 00, 1–16.
- Qumsiyeh, MB and B. Al-Sheikh. 2023. Flora and Conservation Issues in Two Protected Areas in Palestine: Wadi Al-Zarqa Al-Ulwi and Wadi Qana. Diversity 15, no. 2: 142. part of the Special Issue Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of Plant Species", .
- Qumsiyeh, MB and EN Handal. 2022. Revisiting adaptive nature of chromosome evolution in placental mammals. Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy 33(2):102–106, .
- Handal, EN. 2022. Hindlimb malformation in Heremites vittata Olivier, 1804 from Palestine (West Bank). Herpetology Notes, 15: 849-852 , .
- Qumsiyeh, MB, EN Handal, B Al-Sheikh, MH Najajreh, IM Albaradeiya. 2022. Designating the first vernal pool microreserve in a buffer zone of Wadi Qana protected area, Palestine. Wetlands. 42:119, .
- Najajreh, M.H. 2022 . Interview Dr. Issa Musa Albaradeiya . Africana Studia, 37:125-127, .
- Fernanda, M., Sánchez, C. 2022. The exploitation of natural resources in Area C of the West Bank as indicator of annexation. . Africana Studia, 37:27-47, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B., R. Saeed, M.H. Najajreh, N. Katbeh-Badr, H. Ikhmais, O. Simonett, A. Mackey, and M.E. Libert . 2022. Climate Change Education and Colonial Occupation of Palestine . Africana Studia, 37:109-121, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. and M. Abusarhan. 2022 . Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Biodiversity Conservation in the Iraeli Occupied West Bank, Palestine . Africana Studia 37:49-58, .
- Husein, Duaa and Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2022. Impact of Israeli segregation and annexation wall on Palestinian Biodiversity. Africana Studia,37: 19-26, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. and I.M. Albardeiya . 2022. Politics, Power, and the Environment in Palestine. Africana Studia 37: 9-18, .
- Abu Hammad, A., M. Santos, M. Qumsiyeh, M. El Hannani . 2022. Editorial: Palestine – Environment and Conflict . Africana Studia 37, 5-6.
- Qumsiyeh MB. 2021. A Palestinian Reflection on What We Learn. In “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out” edited by Ramzy Baroud and Ilan Pappe. Clarity Press, 304-312.
- قمصية، مازن. 2021. تأملات فلسطينية فيما نتعلمه. في "رؤيتنا للتحرير، أحاديث صريحة للقادة والمفكرين الفلسطينين" تحرير: رمزي بارود وإيلان بابيه, 304-312.
- Al-Sheikh B and Qumsiyeh MB. 2021. New Records for the Native Flora of the West Bank, the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Jordan Journal of Natural History, 8 (2), .
- Mourad Hanna et al. . 2021. Temporal change in traditional knowledge and use of wild plants in Artas, Palestine. Palestine Exploration Quarterly DOI: 10.1080/00310328.2021.1975069, .
- Al-Sheikh B and Qumsiyeh MB. (online 2021, book in 2022). Imperiled ecosystems in Palestine: Rare plants as Indicators. In Dominic DiPaolo & John Villella "Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation”, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, .
- Qumsiyeh MB. 2021. An oasis of Hope Under Repression: The Palestine Institute For Biodiversity And Sustainability. . Bandung Spirit Bulletin No. 2 / July-October 2021 Issn 2563-9730 pp. 12-16, .
- Qumsiyeh MB and M Abusarhan. 2021. Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation in Palestine. Pp. 1-22 In Münir Öztürk, Volkan Altay, & Recep Efe, editors “Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability in Asia. Vol. 1. Prospects and Challenges in West Asia and Caucasus.” Springer Nature, Switzerland, .
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. & I. M. Albaradeiya. 2021. The Palestinian Environment: Threats and Opportunities. This Week in Palestine, 276:12-18.
- Handal, E.N., Amr, Z.S., Basha, W.S., Qumsiyeh, M.B.. 2021. Illegal trade in wildlife vertebrate species in the West Bank, Palestine. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 636e639.
- Handal, E. & M.B. Qumsiyeh. 2021. Status and distribution of the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in the West Bank, Palestine. Sandgrouse, 43:129-132.
- Pahl, J & M.B. Qumsiyeh. 2021. Orchids of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank, Palestine). Mediterranean Botany, 42:e72120.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. & M. Abusarhan. 2020. An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment Under Israeli Colonization. Science for the People, (Special issue: Science Under Occupation). 23(1).
- Saeed, R. & M.B. Qumsiyeh. 2020. Assessing long-term changes in the raptor fauna of the Fertile Crescent by reference to the nineteenth century works of Canon HB Tristram. Sandgrouse, 42: 69-77.
- Thaler et al. 2020. Macrofungi from The Hebron and Jerusalem Hills of Palestine. Mycotaxon, 135(1): 1-23.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. & Z.S. Amr. 2020. Protection of endangered ecosystems via establishing museum research and education facilities: Experience from Palestine and proposal for the Arabian Gulf. Museums in the Middle East Journal (UAE), 1: 29-32.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. & A. Amro. 2020. Liberation from Mental colonization: A case study of the indigenous people of Palestine. The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work, .
- Handal et al. 2019. Status and Conservation of the Striped Hyena in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank). Jordan Journal of Natural History, 6: 11-18.
- Handal, E.N. & Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2019. The First Record of a Bat Found Ensnared by a Plant in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Jordan Journal of Natural History, 6:58-59.
- Handal, E.N. & Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2019. First Record of the Western Conifer Seed Bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910 (Heteroptera, Coreidae) from Palestine. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 12(5): 657-658.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2019. Wadi Zarqa al-Ulwi Protected Area: Actions for Environmental Sustainability. TWIP, vol 255, July, pp 16-20.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2019. A green oasis in increasingly urbanized Palestine. TWIP, vol 255, July, pp 52-55.
- Najajrah et al. 2019. Systematic list, geographic distribution and ecological significance of lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from the West Bank (Central Palestine). Zootaxa , 4664 (1):1–46.
- Khan Aikins et al. 2019. Monitoring Natural Resources in Protected Areas. CEBioS , PB nr. 14.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2018. Environmental Effects of the Occupation and Palestine Museum of Natural History. Jerusalem: Sabeel. Kumi Now: An inclusive call for nonviolent action to achieve a Just Peace, pp. 264-273.
- Handal et al. 2018. Mantids (Dictyoptera: Mantodea) from the Palestinian Territories with an updated list. ARTICULATA, 33: 91–105.
- Zaid et al. 2018. Cytogenetic abnormalities in acute leukemia patients from occupied Palestine. Jordan Medical Journal, 52(3):137-145.
- Goupil, T. & M.B. Qumsiyeh . 2018. Felix-Marie Abel and his vision of nature in Palestine: Géographie de la Palestine revisited. Arab World Geographer, 21(2-3): 128-140.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. & R. Saeed. 2018. Orientalist depictions of Jerusalem and Palestine versus anthropological and biological diversity. Ya Quds Academic Cultural Newsletter, 4: 12-16.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. & EN Handal. 2018. Ecotourism: Opening a Natural Window to Palestine. This Week in Palestine, 244: 38-42.
- Amr et al. 2018. Diversity and Ecology of the land snails of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Zoology and Ecology, 28(1):25-35.
- Amr et al. 2018. Systematics, distribution and ecological analysis of rodents in Jordan. Zootaxa, 4397 (1): 1-94.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2018. Deir Yassin to Netanyahu: Are We Closer to Liberation? Isolationist societies cannot survive in a globalized world. Islamic Horizon, 47(4):48-49.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2017. Fi Altanawu3 Jamal wa Istidama MUqabel Alharb walHalak (in diversity is strength and sustainability as opposed to conflict and destruction). Islamochristiana, 43:1-20.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B.. 2017. Critical and historical assessment of BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions) in Palestine. In A. Ozerdem , C. Thiessen & M. Qassoum (Eds.), Conflict transformation and the Palestinians: The dynamics of peace and justice under occupation (pp. 98 – 113). New York and London: Routledge, .
- Handal, E.N. & Z.S. Amr. 2017. Additional localities for the Flower chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from the Palestinian Territories (West Bank). Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 11(4): 389- 393.
- Sawalha et al. 2017. Diversity, ecology, and seasonality of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the Jenin District (Palestinian Territories). Journal of Vector Ecology, 42(1):120-129.
- Handal, E.N. 2017. First record of Deroplax silphoides from the West Bank – Palestine. Entomologia Hellenica, 26: 13-16.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2017. Nature and Resistance in Palestine. Active Arab Voices, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2017. Is a ‘third’ intifada possible?. In Jamie Weiner (editor) “Moment Of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions” OR Books, Pp 245-248.
- Abusarhan et al. 2017. Grasshoppers and Locusts (Orthoptera: Caelifera) from the Palestinian Territories at the Palestine Museum of Natural History. Zoology and Ecology, 27(2): 143–155.
- Adawi et al. 2017. On some Records of Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera) from the West Bank (Palestine). Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(3): 151-157.
- Abualia et al. In press. Environmental education and awareness for behavioral change in a developing country under the stresses of occupation. Pacific Ecologist, .
- Kilani A, K. Abualia, and MB Qumsiyeh. In press. Incidence and types of chromosome abnormalities in a cohort of leukemic patients in the occupied Palestinian Territories. , .
- مازن قمصية. . دروس من المقاومة في فلسطين إلى الربيع العربي. نشر في كتاب "مؤتمر الربيع العربي من منظور حقوق الإنسان" الجامعة العربية الأمريكية جنين, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2017. Nature museums and botanical gardens for environmental conservation in developing countries. Bioscience, .
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2017. Role of museums and botanical gardens in ecosystem services in developing countries: Case study and outlook. Intl J Env Studies, 74(2): 340-350.
- Qumsiyeh, MB & Amr, ZS. 2016. Protected Areas in the Occupied Palestine Territories. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 25-46.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2016. Fauna of Wadi Al-Quf: Invertebrates. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 80-87.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2016. Fauna of Wadi Al-Quf: Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 70-79.
- Khalilieh, A. 2016. Avifaunal baseline assessment of Wadi Al-Quff Protected Area and its Vicinity, Hebron, Palestine. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 47-57.
- Al Sheikh, B. & M. Mahassneh. 2016. Flora of Wadi Al-Quff Protected Area, Hebron Governorate, Palestine. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 47-57.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2016. Biodiversity Conservation Of Wadi Al-Quff Protected Area: Challenges And Opportunities. Jordan Journal of Natural History, Special issue 1, 3: 6-24.
- Handal et al. 2016. Some records of reptiles from the Palestinian Territories. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 23(4):261-270.
- Abusarhan et al. 2016. Some records of butterflies (Lepidoptera) from the Palestinian Territories. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(1):11-23.
- Khlaif, N. & M.B. Qumsiyeh. 2016. Genotoxicity of recycling electronic waste in Idhna, Hebron District, Palestine. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73:1-9.
- Kessens, S. 2016. Growth rate and health aspects of leafy vegetables produced in small-scale aquaponic systems with fish fed on conventional and insect-based fish food. Thesis, Institut für Agrarwissenschaften / Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS), ETH Zurich, open access.
- Amr et al. 2016. Change of diet of the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Bubo bubo, suggest decline in biodiversity in Wadi Al Makhrour, Bethlehem Governorate, Palestinian Territories. Slovak Raptor Journal, 10:75-79.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2016. Scientific research towards environmental justice and sustainability in Palestine. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Energy & Environmental Protection In Sustainable Development, (Hebron, 4-6 April 2016).
- Handal et al. 2015. Some records of Freshwater Snail from the Occupied Palestinian territories. Jordan Journal of Natural History, 1(2):23-29.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2015. Review of “Foundations of Museum Studies: Evolving Systems of Knowledge”, by Kiersten F. Latham and John E. Simmons, Libraries Unlimited, Santa Barbara. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73(1):153-155.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2015. Scientific Research as a basis for education and environmental conservation: Examples from Palestinian governorates. Sixth Environmental Conference of the Environmental Education Center, Beit Jala, .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2015. Biodiversity of Wadi Quff: Fauna. In Management Plan of Wadi Quff, EQA and IUCN, Ramallah.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2014. The karyotype of the Diplocentrid Nebo with comments on scorpion chromosomal evolution. Cytologia, 79(2):1-4.
- Salman et al. 2014. Distribution and Cytogenetics of Amphibians from the occupied Palestinian territories (West Bank of Jordan). Jordan Natural History Journal, 1(1):86-98.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2014. Decline in Vertebrate biodiversity in Bethlehem, Palestine. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(2):101-107.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2014. Cytogenetics and Y chromosome microdeletion analysis for a cohort of Palestinian azoospermic and oligozoospermic men. Jordan Medical Journal, 48(1):34-39.
- Hammad, K. & M.B. Qumsiyeh. 2013. Genotoxic Effects of Israeli Industrial Settlement Pollutants on Palestinian Residents of Bruqeen Village (Salfit). International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70(4):655-622.
- Qumsiyeh et al. 2013. Records of scorpions from the Palestinian Territories, with the first chromosomal data (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Zoology in the Middle East, 59(1), 70-76.
- Qumsiyeh, MB & J. Isaaq. 2012. Research and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Challenges and Opportunities. Arab Studies Quarterly, 34(3): 158-172.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. . 2017. Arab American Activism for Palestine. in “Diaspora and Identity: the case of Palestine” (Mitri Raheb, ed.). Diyar Publisher, Bethlehem., Pp. 279-294 .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. and Haidee Clauer. 2023. Weaponizing Israeli National Parks to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. Palestine Israel Journal. Vol 3/4 , .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. and Haidee Clauer. 2023. El uso de los "parques nacionales israelíes" como herramienta de limpieza étnica. , .
- Qumsiyeh, M.B.. 2024. Path to Peace. , .
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., McHugh, C., Shaheen, S., & Najajrah, M. H. 2024. ). Bio-cultural landscape and eco-friendly agriculture in Al-Arqoub, South Jerusalem, Palestine. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 48(10), 1489–1513.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. and S. Banat . 2024. Scholasticide: The ongoing colonial attack on Palestinian Higher Education. Science for the People. 26(3): , 20-22, 46-47.
- مازن قمصية ومحمد نجاجره والياس حنضل 2015 البحث العلمي أساس للتعليم والحفاظ على البيئة: أمثلة من محافظات فلسطينية. كتاب أبحاث المؤتمر البيئي السادس. مركز التعليم البيئي – بيت لحم
- Qumsiyeh, M.B. 2013. The coming Environmental Nakba. Pp 57-59 in The Third Palestinian Environmental Awareness and Education, Conference. EEC, Bethlehem.
- Amr et al. 2006. Bat Diversity and Conservation in Jordan. Turkish Journal of Zoology, , 30:235-244.
- Benkhalifa M, S Kasakyan, P Clement, M Baldi, G Tachdjian. A Demirol, T Gurgam, F Fiorentino, M Mohammad, MB Qumsiyeh. Array comparative genomic hybridization profiling of first trimester products of conception that failed to grow in vitro. Prenatal Diagnosis, 2005; 894-900.
- Benkhalifa M, S Kahraman, MD A Biricik, S Serteyl, E Domez,Y Kumtepe, M B Qumsiyeh. Cytogenetic abnormalities and the failure of development after round spermatid injections. Fertility and Sterility 2004, 81(5):1283-1288.
- Ahmed, M. N., G. R. DeLong, and M. B. Qumsiyeh. Postnatal Developmental delay (PNDD) and chromosome abnormalities. Clinical Pediatrics 2000, 39:233-235.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B., S. Barker, S. Dover, P. K. Kennedy, and M. P. Kennedy. A potential model for early stages of chromosomal evolution by concentric Robertsonian fans: a large area of polymorphism in southern short-tailed shrews (Blarina carolinensis). Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 1999, 87(1-2):27-31
- Ashley-Koch, A., C.M. Wolpert, L. Zaeem, M. M. Menold, M. B. Qumsiyeh et al. Genetic studies of autistic disorders and chromosome 7. Genomics. 1999, 61:227-236.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Chromosome abnormalities in the placenta and spontaneous abortions. J. Matern.-Fetal Med. 1998, 7:210-212.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. , Z. S. Amr, R. M. Al-Oran. Further records of bats from Jordan and a synopsis. Turkish J. Zoology. 1998, 22:277-284.
- DeCastro, C. M., S. M. Rabe, S. D. Langdon, D. E. Fleenor, M. N. Ahmed, M. B. Qumsiyeh, R. E. Kaufman. Genomic structure and chromosomal localization of PE-2 (ERF), a novel ETS factor with potential tumor suppressor properties. Genomics., 1997, 42:200-207.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., J. L. Coate, J. A. Peppers, P. K. Kennedy, M. L. Kennedy. Robertsonian chromosomal rearrangements in the short-tailed shrew, Blarina carolinensis in western Tennessee. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1997, 76:153-158.
- Benkhalifa, M., Y. Menezo, L. Janny, J. L. Pouly, and M. B. Qumsiyeh. Cytogenetics of uncleaved oocytes and arrested zygotes in IVF programs. J. Assisted Repr. & Genetics. 1996, 13(2):140-148.
- Benkhalifa, M., P. Malet, M. B. Qumsiyeh, D. Boucher, V. Belliec, Y. Menzo. Chromosome aberrations in normal and translocated human sperm: role in reproduction pathology. Referens. Geneo. Obstet. 1994, 2(3):288-296.
- Qumsiyeh, Mazin B. 1994. Evolution of Number and Morphology of Mammalian Chromosomes. J Hered. 85 (6): 455-465.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and J. W. Bickham. Chromosomes and relationships of long eared bats of the genera Plecotus and Otonycteris. Journal of Mammalogy. 1993, 74(2):376-382.
- Amr, Z. S. and Qumsiyeh, M. B. Records of bat flies from Jordan, Libya, and Algeria. Entomological News. 1993, 104(1):43-46.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., Z. S. Amr, and D. M. Shafi. Status and conservation of the carnivores of Jordan (Mammalia: Carnivora). Mammalia. 1993, 57(1):55-62.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., Z. S. Amr, and A. M. Disi. Systematics and distribution of the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Jordan. Dirasat (Jordan Univ. Publications). 1992, 9B(2):101-118.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Karyotype of the East European hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor from Jordan. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkundliche. 1991, 56:375-377.
- Tharapel, S. A., M. B. Qumsiyeh, and G. Photopulos. Numerical chromosome abnormalities associated with early clinical stages of gynecologic tumors. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 1991, 55:89-96.
- Qumsiyeh, M.B., E. D. Dempster, M. J. Hamilton and R. J. Baker. Cytogenetics and systematics of the rodent genus Gerbillurus. Journal of Mammalogy, 1991, 72(1):89-96.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., J. N. Peeden, R. S. Wilroy, and A. T. Tharapel. High resolution replication banding combined with in situ hybridization for the delineation of a subtle chromosome rearrangement. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1991, 41:99-101.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and Z. S. Amr. Mammals of Jordan: Rodents. Al-Reem (Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature). 1991, 44:19-20. [In Arabic].
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and D. A. Schlitter. Cytogenetic data on the rodent family Gerbillidae. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University 1991, 144:1-20.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and D. P. Suttle. Localization of the adenosine deaminase, transferrin, and UMP synthetase genes on Chinese hamster chromosomes 4 and 6 by in situ hybridization. Journal of Heredity, 1990, 81(2):111-116.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., S.W. King, J. Arroyo-Cabrales, I. R. Aggundey, D. A. Schlitter, R. J. Baker, and K.J. Morrow. Complex chromosomal and immunological evolution in the morphologically similar species of murid rodents of the Mastomys/Praomys Complex. Journal of Heredity, 1990, 81(1):58-65.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Chromosomal fissions and phylogenetic hypotheses: Cytogenetic and allozymic variation between species of Meriones (Rodentia, Gerbillidae).Occasional Papers of the Musuem, Texas Tech Univ., 1989, 132:1-16.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., M. B. Valentine, and D. P. Suttle. Localization of the gene for uridine monophosphate synthase to human chromosome region 3q13 by insitu hybridization. Genomics, 1989, 5:160-162.
- Baker, R. J., M. B. Qumsiyeh, and I. L. Rautenbach. Evidence for eight tandem and five centric fusions in the karyotype of Aethomysnamaquensis. Genetica, 1988, 76:161-169.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., R. D. Owen, and R. K. Chesser. Differential rates of protein and chromosome evolution in bats of the family Rhinolophidae.Genome, 1988, 30:326-335.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., R. J. Baker, S. Davis, J. C. Patton, and C. S. Hernandez. Chromosomal evolution in Geomys as revealed by G- and C-band studies. Southwestern Naturalist , 1988, 33(1):1-13.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Pattern of heterochromatic variation and phylogeny in the rodent family Gerbillidae. Texas Journal of Science, 1988, 40:63-70.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and R. J. Baker. Comparative cytogenetics and the determination of primitive karyotypes. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 1988, 47:100-103
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and R. K. Chesser. Rates of protein, chromosome, and morphologic evolution in four genera of Rhombomyine gerbils. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 1988, 16(1):89-103.
- Owen, R. D. and M. B. Qumsiyeh. The subspecies problem in the trident leaf-nosed bat, Aselliatridens: homomorphism in widely separated populations. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 1987, 6:329-337.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., M. J. Hamilton, and D. A. Schlitter. Problems of using Robertsonian rearrangements in determining monophyly: examples from the genera Tatera and Gerbillurus.Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 1987, 44:198-208.
- Schlitter, D. A., I. R. Aggundey, M. B. Qumsiyeh, K. Nelson, and R. L. Honeycutt. Taxonomic and distributional records on bats from Kenya. Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1986, 55(12):297-302.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B., D. A. Schlitter, and A. M. Disi. New records and karyotypes of small mammals from Jordan. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 1986, 51:139-146.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Phylogenetic studies of the rodent family Gerbillidae: I. Chromosomal evolution in the southern African group. Journal of Mammalogy, 1986, 67:680-692.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and R. J. Baker. G- and C-banded karyotypes of the Rhinopomatidae (Microchiroptera). Journal of Mammalogy, 1985, 66:541-544.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Occurrence and zoogeographical implications of Myotisblythi (Tomes, 1857) in Libya. Mammalia (Paris), 1983, 47(3):429-430.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and D. A. Schlitter. The bat fauna of Jabal al Akhdar, North East Libya. Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1982, 51(19):377-389.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. and D. A. Schlitter. Bat records from Mauritania, Africa (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1981, 50(13):345-351.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. New records of bats from Jordan.Säugetierk. Mitt. 1980, 28(1): 36-39.
Published Books
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Une histoire populaire de la Résistance palestinienne. Edition Demi-Lune, Saint-Gewrmaine, 2013.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Al-Muqawama Al-Sha’biya Fi Falastin, published by Muwattin in Ramallah, 2011.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment, Pluto Press, 2010.
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Compartir la tierra de Canaán: Derechos Humanos y el Conflicto Israelí-Palestino. (Updated and with an introduction about the role of Latin America), Editorial Canaan, Argentina, 2007
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle, Pluto Press, 2004
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Mammals of the Holy Land, Texas Tech Press, 1996
- Qumsiyeh, M. B. Bats of Egypt, Texas Tech Press, 1986 (including bats of Palestine) PDF